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3623. It's our favorite number.

CA Technologies had a conundrum. "How do we get 3623 salespeople on board without feeling like they're being held hostage? They're amazing, resourceful employees - that's why we hired them. But we need cohesion. We want them to think independently to meet unique client needs, but we need them to follow a collective gameplan that is bigger than any one client. Our strategy will work - if we can get ALL of them to follow it."

And work, it did.

We devised a multi-modal, deep dive into sales education that spanned 39 courses over a 2-year time frame. All 3623 selling humans participated. Strategy became action. Action became revenue. And revenue captured the attention of Wall Street. Broadcom acquired CA Technologies in November 2018 for $18.9B.

Enterprise solutions take careful planning and detailed execution. The Octos Group does that very well.


The Promise of New Hires

Green employees are like a spring morning full of promise... and in desperate need of direction.


The Octos Group is working with a half-dozen accounts focused on aligning that fresh energy with sound corporate philosophy. It take time.

But not as much as you think.

OctosGroup specializes in translating your strategy into tactical, executable initiatives.

Open Office Space
Young Businessman
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